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Release estimations?

A wise, great (and probably insane) man once said, "These things, they take time." Whoever that guy was he had like, a point or something.

Over the last month or so, I've been receiving a lot of messages regarding a release date for EZ2. This probably has to do with us recently streaming some new gameplay, and releasing some new media. I suspect it also has to do with the fact that EZ2 has now been in development for 3~ years! (technically 4 if you count the initial writing process) So where are we? And how soon can we expect news regarding a release date?

We reached a development milestone in August, when EZ2 became playable start to finish. Around that time we launched directly into private alpha testing. Since then we have been conducting private tests and handling the feedback. This has involved a ton of work. We've done some re-writing in places to make the narrative more coherent. We've added a brand new chapter into the mix - Chapter 0. Several areas of the game have been re-detailed. We've been squashing bugs, implementing new sounds and music and overall, have continued to polish the experience. And we're still doing that.

EZ2 is no longer a three map per-chapter, four chaptered mod. It's a seven chapter long game with a heavily choreographed narrative. Seeing as we are still continuing to alpha test and build on that feedback, it would be hard for me to quantify a release window, let alone a date itself. The TL;DR is that we simply cannot say. Not out of secrecy - we literally don't know when the game will be ready. We can make projections and estimations but none of that really helps anybody. Making those sorts of predictions at this stage doesn't cross items off our lists.

It's done when it's done and after spending three years on this awesome project, we aren't planning on rushing it out the door.

EZ2 is worked on pretty much 24/7 now by a highly skilled and dedicated team. We meet every month to discuss our progress and plan our next leaps. We are currently moving across development stepping stones towards beta. Each month we make a new leap. Each week we get a little closer.

Be patient - We will deliver Entropy : Zero 2 - when it is done.

Until then, keep an eye on Twitter for updates and other bits! Cast your eyes over Moddb occasionally as we're refreshing that page with more media there soon, and consider joining us on Discord!


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